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Swamp Activities

See calendar for activity dates

General Meetings

Scheduled at the beginning of the semester to outline our purpose, activities for the semester, and teach a quick wilderness medicine skill to add to your saddle bag. Additionally, possible career paths and fellowship options are presented to students. 



Beach Cleans

Held every three weeks around Lake Pontchartrain unless noted on the calendar. Gloves and gear provided. Come at 8:30 for snacks and coffee. 



Journal Club

Meetings are every other month and journals are provided at least 1 week prior. Club members meet at a member's house, bar, or other social location to discuss a major topic and/or new data published in a wilderness medicine journal. Email us at with any article suggestions



Field Trips

At least once a semester, members spend time exploring nature and engaging in social activities including swamp hikes, camping trips, beach trips, etc. 



Documentary Nights

Screenings of new or relevant documentaries focused on environmental topics or wilderness medicine ethics. 


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