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SWAMP is Ochsner Clinical School's premier wilderness medicine club. Our purpose is versatile and we continue to expand to meet members' needs.

Core Purpose:


  1. Provide an environment where students can explore non-traditional medical fields/professions

    1. Introduce options linked to the outdoors including but not limited to wilderness, dive, climb, hyperbaric and survival medicine

    2. Encourage careers in rural and remote locations focusing on the healing and long-term care of underserved populations

  2. Set up volunteer and service activities with an outdoor or wilderness focus

  3. Develop a bond between club members via social activities and outings

  4. Aid in the teaching of minimalist medical skills including point of care treatment

  5. Promote the innovation of knowledge in the field

  6. Serve as a resource to first-year students of possible rural and wilderness elective options ie Royal Flying Doctor Service, remote hospital locations, Indigenous clinics

  7. Encourage students and physicians to consider the environmental consequences of their actions and future endeavours both inside and outside of the hospital

  8. Raise awareness and coordinate Wilderness Medicine conferences both locally and nationally

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